Association annual meeting calls for financial pledges and volunteers
About 60 persons attended last evening’s Lake Attitash Association annual meeting at the Merrimac Public Library. In addition to residents of the lake community, the meeting was attended by Amesbury and Merrimac officials and State Representative James Kelcourse.
After reporting on 2015 efforts to fight invasive weeds and cyanobacteria, the association kicked off its pledge drive to raise money for upcoming study and treatment of the two problems. Current estimates indicate adequate programs to deal with these problems may require up to $80,000 per year. Lake residents have been asked to pledge $300 per household annually to support efforts, although smaller contributions will also be gratefully accepted.
Representative Kelcourse told the group he would investigate ways for the state to support measures for preventing the spread of invasive weeds by visiting boaters.
Tod Campbell, association president, urged residents to avoid using fertilizers containing phosphorus on their lawns and gardens. When this chemical nutrient washes from lawns and roadways into the lake, it promotes the growth of weeds and algae.
Other presentations showed how properly designed rain gardens and planted areas near the shore help absorb nutrients before they enter the lake. Board members at the meeting also asked for volunteers to join the board of directors or help with other association projects to benefit the lake. Volunteers are also needed for organizing social activities, such as block parties, to foster community spirit around the lake. Anyone thinking about volunteering should contact the association through its website.