How Trees Can Save Lakes from Algae Blooms
Lake Attitash is blessed with many mature and beautiful trees around its shores.
Have you ever wondered why the Conservation Commissions works so hard to protect trees and other vegetation near our lake?

Why do we need to protect them? Why should we plant more trees?
Trees, shrubs and plants play an incredible role in reducing storm water and removing or filtering nutrients and pollutants that would otherwise end up in our lake.
- Trees provide shade
- Trees reduce air pollution
- Their roots hold the soil preventing soil erosion
- Trees act like enormous sponges. They absorb large amounts of storm water before it can run off into the lake
- And, best of all, they absorb excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and contaminants (metals, pesticides, solvents, oils) from the soil before they reach the water.
(Remember, phosphorus is public enemy #1 for Lake Attitash. Excess nutrients feed algae and create the hazardous algae blooms our alum treatment is designed to suppress.)
Fun facts:

According to an article published by Penn State Extension in August of 2015, a “single mature oak tree can consume over 40,000 gallons of water in a year.”

And, from the same Penn State article, “a mature evergreen can intercept more than 4,000 gallons per year. “
Please protect and plant trees!
This project has been partially funded with Federal Funds from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection under an s. 319 competitive grant.