LAA Membership dues….neglected in our efforts to raise the money needed to apply for the grant

Hello friends of Lake Attitash


The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection grant application is in and now we wait until October to hear if we will be awarded the grant. LAA has put aside the $40,000 we raised in anticipation of getting this grant. (This money is dedicated to dealing with cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Attitash whether we win the grant or not.) If we are successful we have commitments for $10,000 from one resident and commitments from Amesbury and Merrimac for the rest of the money we need. Great effort!


But… the midst of all this  we have neglected to remind people to maintain their active membership. Our current membership list of people who have paid their dues for 2017 is very low! Many of you have been very generous with our fund raising campaign so we understand. However, we need that income, modest though it is, to continue all of the other activities of the association including weed management.


You can pay through our website – Pay Pal – go to and click on Join or Renew.

Or send a check to LAA, P.O. Box 503, Amesbury, MA 01913


Membership Dues:

  • Individual: $30
  • Family: $50
  • Senior (65+): $15
  • Business: $100


Lake Attitash thanks you!