Mission Accomplished – Weed Control Fundraising Campaign Successful

Mission Accomplished! We did it! Thanks to you!
Since November 27, 2020 the LAA has raised $25,000, the amount needed to pay Solitude Lake Management Services for the 2021 invasive weed treatment!
100 people donated, nine people donating more than once. Individual donations ranged from $5 to $2,000. We received 3 corporate matches and one corporate donation.
Our thanks go to the corporations that match their employee’s donations to not-for-profit organizations: Johnson and Johnson, Allied Materials, and DTTC. Our thanks also go to a local company, Alternative Therapies Group, for their generous donation of $2,500!
We established the LAA as a charity on Facebook and used our Facebook page to reach more people. Three residents set up birthday fund raisers on Facebook (such a good idea!) and each one raised several hundred dollars. We raised close to $8,000 through Facebook donors.
We did have fun bringing you thank you gifts. They made the whole donation process much more fun and clearly more successful!! The koozies and the wine tumblers were a big hit.
We have done the necessary permitting work with Amesbury and Merrimac. We plan to use a newly permitted, more expensive herbicide in Back River because it is more effective against the variable milfoil that is becoming widespread there. Curlyleaf pondweed is widespread from the mouth of Back River along the northern shore and we will continue to use our usual annual treatment in those areas.
During 2021 we will be focusing on reaching more of the households around the lake, increasing memberships and awareness of the Lake Association, what we do and why we need to protect our lake.
We will continue to do the work that needs to be done to keep our lake safe, healthy and fun for all of us to play on!

The lake thanks you for being part of the team.