Recognize Your Neighbor & Pay It Forward

“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood“ – Mister Rogers
Celebrate the importance of community and take a moment to appreciate and thank those neighbors who surround you!
We’ve spent a lot of time at home recently – quarantining and working and attending school remotely. Living where we do, we are fortunate to have the lake in our backyard and the community that it brings together. With community comes favors, big and small. We want to hear about your neighbor’s simple act of kindness and give you the opportunity to recognize them on National Neighbor Day!
Take the time to show your appreciation for your neighbors who have been there with you from the very beginning!
Here’s how to participate:
Let your neighbor know that their act of kindness was appreciated! Let us deliver a note of appreciation to your neighbor. Contribute (any amount!) to the Lake Attitash Association and as a thanks for supporting our community and keeping our lake healthy, the LAA team will deliver your custom note on Lake Attitash letterhead to your neighbor on your behalf or….pass a “thank you” anonymously! Feel free to submit one or as many as you’d like!
Some examples below:
- “Thanks for dropping off groceries for me!”
- “Social distance hangouts and cocktails on the dock was everything I needed. Thank you!”
- “Thanks for helping us take our dock out!”
- “Many thanks for letting me borrow the lawnmower!”
- “My amazing neighbor took me for a sunset cruise!”
Here’s How to Donate:
- To donate, please click on the following link. Donate Now – Pay It Forward
- If donating by credit card or Paypal, please use the “Reason for Donation” field and include your neighbors first and last name, address and a short note of thanks.
- If donating by check, please include your neighbors first and last name, address and a short note of thanks. Please mail it to Lake Attitash Association, PO Box 503, Amesbury, MA 01913.