Top 10 Ways We Can Love Our Lake

- Fertilizer use: Go Wild! Go Natural! If you must use fertilizer, remember that the Massachusetts law states that “phosphorus-containing fertilizer may only be applied when a soil test indicates that it is needed or when a lawn is being established, patched or renovated.” Excess phosphorus is public enemy #1, and we need to do everything we can to prevent it from entering our lake.
- Pick up after your pets. Poop is loaded with nutrients that feed plants and harmful algae blooms that result in the closing of our lake to swimming and boating. It contains bacteria that is harmful to humans and pets.
- Protect the shoreline from storm water run-off. If you see gullies or washouts after heavy rain this means that storm water, loaded with nutrients and pollutants, is eroding the soil and running unfiltered into the lake. Contact the LAA for assistance regarding good solutions.
- Grow native plants along your shoreline to absorb nutrients before they can enter the water and prevent shore erosion. Solitude Lake Management Company recommends the following plants for establishing a buffer planting on your shoreline: blueberry, Sweet Pepperbush, Arrowwood, Winterberry, Irises, and Swamp Milkweed. Good for water quality and good for wildlife.
- If you are disturbing the soil along your shoreline contact your conservation agent for advice on how to protect the lake.
- Clean up your shoreline regularly. Do what you can to reduce the amount of decaying weeds, leaves and trash that bring additional nutrients and pollutants into our water. Don’t dispose of yard waste in areas adjacent to the lake.
- If you maintain a compost pile make sure it is at least 25’ away from the edge of your wetland or shore.
- Check on any stormwater structures near you including stormwater basins. Maintenance is required if there is a buildup of sediment and litter or if water is not draining within a reasonable amount of time (48-72 hours). The Amesbury (978-388-8116) or Merrimac (978-346-0612) Public Works Departments should be notified.
- Keep an eye out for drains that appear to be blocked. Report them to the appropriate Public Works Department. We need to prevent storm water runoff from going directly into the lake and bringing those nutrients and pollutants with it.
- Last but not least…if you are a boat owner always respect the speed limits, other boaters and our shoreline. Reduce your speed in shallow areas near the shore. These areas cannot be treated with alum because wave and boat action would disturb the alum blanket. Your wake erodes shorelines, disturbs the sediment and releases the nutrients that feed the algae and puts swimmers at risk.
Let’s all make it a happy, healthy and safe year on Lake Attitash. See you on the lake! This project has been partially funded with Federal Funds from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection under an s. 319 competitive grant.