Preserving the health and beauty of Lake Attitash
Lake Attitash Association
The Lake Attitash Association (LAA) was formed in 1993 to develop and encourage activities, improvements, and responsible behavior on Lake Attitash and in its watershed for the best interests of residents and visitors, and to preserve the aesthetic, environmental, and recreational values of the lake.
LAA is a non-profit organization managed by volunteers. Any person, family, or business interested in supporting the purposes of the association is welcome to join.
Note: The Lake Attitash Association does not own, control, or manage any beach or any access to the lake.
Many in the lake community are concerned about maintaining the quality of the lake for ourselves, our children, and for future generations to enjoy. We share common concerns over various issues such as overgrowth of nuisance weeds, water quality, boating safety, and wildlife preservation.
The best way to address these concerns is by working together to identify them and then address them as an organized group. Many other lakes around Massachusetts and all over the country have done the same.
Excess Phosphorus is Public Enemy #1
Lake Attitash is a secondary drinking water supply for Amesbury so Massachusetts laws are clear: NO FERTILIZERS are allowed within 100 feet of Lake Attitash.