Review the latest news on what the Lake Attitash Association has been up to.

The Watershed
What is a watershed? A watershed is an area that drains into a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland or even the ...

Swans and Waterfowl
Swans are spectacularly beautiful but…..can be aggressive, vicious, extremely territorial and are increasing in numbers at an alarming rate! It may surprise you to learn ...

Yard Waste Disposal
We are all smart lake residents who are well informed about how our behavior impacts the lake…for better and for worse! We all know that ...

Keep Your Shoreline Clean
We all love living on our lake. We have seen the benefits of the 2019/20 alum treatment. The alum settles on the sediment and seals ...

Soil Erosion
Believe it or not, the biggest threat to Lake Attitash water quality is plain old dirt, washing into our streams and lake...from our lawns, roads, ...

Buffer Gardens, Rain Gardens, and Shoreline Planting
Having a “natural” shoreline with native plants and stones is probably the best thing you can do to protect the lake. The Conservation Commissions strongly ...

Motorized Vehicles, Boats and Other Hazardous Waste
We all live in the watershed of Lake Attitash. We all want clean water that is fun, safe for swimming and boating and beautiful to ...

Fertilizers and Lawn Care
Let’s get serious! No fertilizer of any sort can be applied within 100’ of Lake Attitash as it used as a secondary water supply for ...

Stormwater, Rain Barrels, Gardens, Surfaces
AFTER THE STORM – A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING STORMWATER What is storm water runoff? Storm water runoff occurs when precipitation from rain or snowmelt flows ...

Alum Grant
This alum treatment was hard earned and was the result of diligent research, long term planning, persistent effort and the support and wisdom of the LAA, lake residents, local leaders and the Department of Environmental Protection.