Lake Attitash Needs Your Help to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Weeds
New Weed Watchers Needed

For those who have seen the lake transition over the last 5+ years, you are hopefully seeing the progress that’s being made in controlling the weeds. Because there are no magic cures to completely and permanently kill off aggressive, invasive weeds such as Eurasion Milfoil, Variable Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed, this requires active engagement.
Annual funding is needed for treatment, but also volunteers are needed to proactively inspect for new growth of invasive weeds. Once they are identified, a plan can be put into place to address to get rid of them as quickly as possible before they have a chance to spread and take over our lake again as they did in years’ past.
WE NEED YOUR HELP. We need at least two new volunteers to help us inspect the lake, specifically in Back River area. Four volunteers would be ideal. After a one hour training session, this would just be about one hour per month to help us look for and mark any active growth.
We really need some new faces to help carry the torch. Many of our volunteers have moved away from the lake and we need new people to help back fill the vacant weed watcher positions.
You can make a difference. Please send an email to if you can spare an hour a month to keep your lake healthy.
Thank You