Merrimac and Amesbury 2022 Holiday Parades

Santa Claus is coming to town!! and Lake Attitash Association members and elves will accompany him! We invite all friends of LAA to march with us, and Santa in either or both of two local parades. Santa will be in Amesbury on Saturday, December 3rd. If you would like to walk with the LAA float,…

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2022 Boat Parade & Illumination Night on Lake Attitash

Save the Date! Saturday, September 3rd, Lake Attitash Grand Illumination & Boat Parade Meet at State Boat Ramp in Merrimac at 6:30 Rain Date: Sunday, September 4th Dress up your boat and house with lights and decorations… or come as you are!!! Time to party with friends and family Sponsored by the Lake Attitash Association

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Protecting the Lake: The Watershed

What is a watershed? A watershed is an area that drains into a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland or even the ocean. Watersheds provide our drinking water, habitat for wildlife and the streams and lakes that we use for fishing, boating and swimming.   What happens on the land within our…

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Protecting the Lake: Swans and Waterfowl

Swans are spectacularly beautiful but…..can be aggressive, vicious, extremely territorial and are increasing in numbers at an alarming rate! It may surprise you to learn that these birds are considered invasive and federal wildlife refuges prevent them from breeding because they are so aggressive and territorial that other bird species are unable to safely breed…

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Protecting the Lake: Trees

How Trees Can Save Lakes from Algae Blooms Lake Attitash is blessed with many mature and beautiful trees around its shores. Have you ever wondered why the Conservation Commissions works so hard to protect trees and other vegetation near our lake? Why do we need to protect them? Why should we plant more trees? Trees,…

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Protecting the Lake: Yard Waste Disposal

We are all smart lake residents who are well informed about how our behavior impacts the lake…for better and for worse! We all know that the nutrients that come from decaying leaves and other yard waste feed the algae in the water and promote cyanobacteria blooms that are a health hazard to humans and animals.…

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Protecting the Lake: Keep Your Shoreline Clean

We all love living on our lake. We have seen the benefits of the 2019/20 alum treatment. The alum settles on the sediment and seals the nutrients (mostly phosphorus) that have accumulated over many decades into the sediment in the deeper parts of the lake. This alum “blanket” will prevent those nutrients from getting into…

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